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Bringing infant nutritional fundamentals to parents in a way that is easy to understand and implement, for lifelong well-being.

Maternal Manna specialises in nourishing your pregnancy, postpartum and baby with both nutrition and herbal medicine to achieve and support your treatment goals. 




Humans are biologically designed to be nourished by whole foods, and this is why they form the backbone of my practice. Whole food provides nutrients in their most bioavailable form. This means in the best form that we can absorb and utilise them in our bodies.


Food, and your relationship with it, has a profound impact on your health during pregnancy and the health of your baby. The way that you nourish yourself and your baby can help to avoid common preventable conditions, whilst cultivating wellness and healthy eating habits for life.


Herbal Medicine


Herbal medicines are made from medicinal plants that grow in nature. They have been used throughout time to gently encourage optimal health and wellness. They can be used as therapeutic herbal teas, creams, and herbal extracts in tablets or tonic form. I use herbal medicines only in appropriate cases and those proven safe for pregnancy, breastfeeding and infants.     


If you’re expecting, especially for the first time, you’re likely wondering which foods and nutrients you should be focusing on during pregnancy. You’re certainly not alone! There’s SO much information out there on nutrition for pregnancy, that it can feel overwhelming and confusing.  You may also have been brought to your knees by nausea, fatigue or one of the many ailments that comes hand in hand with pregnancy. 


Maternal Manna is here to help support you throughout your pregnancy to ensure you feel your best and are providing the healthiest home for your little one until they are welcomed earthside.

What should I eat?

This is one of the many questions you will likely ask during pregnancy. Book a consultation with Maternal Manna for guidance and support with - 


Immune and gut health for each trimester and birth

Naturopathic and nutritional preparation for birth

Individualised food and supplement recommendations

Evidence-based support on foods to avoid during pregnancy

Why does this hurt?

Each trimester brings with it another challenge and another ailment that you were hoping to avoid this pregnancy. Maternal Manna can provide support and/or prevention for common pregnancy complaints including - 

Low immunity


Pelvic pain


Stretch marks

Urinary tract infections





Leg cramps

Lower back pain




Group B Strep

Gestational Diabetes


Reflux & indigestion


You've survived childbirth (just!), and now every second of your day is spent feeding, rocking or changing your baby. If this is your first little one, I can almost guarantee that the expectation of motherhood is probably not aligning to your current reality. How are you supposed to look after yourself and this other little person at the same time?


Maternal Manna is here to help support you during this difficult period to ensure that you are looking after yourself and getting the attention you deserve. 

What should I eat?

Nourishing your body is just as important now as it was during pregnancy. Book a consultation with Maternal Manna for guidance and support with - 


Naturopathic and nutritional support for recovery after birth

Nutritional requirements for postpartum and breastfeeding

Why does this hurt?

What most mums don't talk about is how difficult the postpartum period is on your both your physical and mental health. Maternal Manna can provide support for common postpartum complaints including - 

Post-natal depression or anxiety

Post-natal depletion

After pains


Breast care - cracked nipples, engorgement, mastitis, thrush





If you are looking for reliable, clear and succinct information about your baby's health, the Google Search bar is not the place for you. Maternal Manna is an oasis for new parents, cutting through the chaos and confusion that is the health industry and internet. 


We educate parents on what is nutritionally significant in regards to introducing solids but also key concepts of overall infant well-being in order to minimise the risk of common infant and childhood conditions along the way.

Starting solids

Starting solids with your little one can be a complete minefield. How do you know when to start? What is the difference between puree vs. baby-led weaning? How do you introduce allergens without having a meltdown?

Book a consultation with Maternal Manna for guidance and support with - 


How to know if your baby is developmentally ready to start solids

Safe and age-appropriate first foods

Meeting your baby's essential nutritional requirements

Puree-feeding vs. baby-led weaning

Introducing high-risk allergenic foods

Breast milk or formula intolerances

Is your baby reacting to your breastmilk or formula? Maternal Manna can provide guidance and support to ensure your little one is getting the nourishment they need in the early months of their lives, including - 


Supporting mothers and babies that wish to continue breastfeeding

Helping your baby recover from an intolerance via breast milk or formula

Introducing high-risk foods and progressing through solids

Managing eczema

Caring for a baby with eczema can take its toll on your entire family.  Book a consultation with Maternal Manna for guidance and support with - 


Managing occurrences before and after starting solids

Nourishing gut and immune health to support a child with eczema

Minimising allergy risk in a baby with eczema

Allergies & Intolerances

Navigating feeding your baby is overwhelming enough without the added layer of allergies and intolerances. Maternal Manna can provide  guidance and support with - 


Nourishing a baby with an allergy/intolerance

Supporting gut and immune health 

Minimising risk of allergies in babies with a family history of allergy/eczema/asthma

Infant Health
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